Sunday, February 3, 2008

Knowledge - seeking a good home

Whether or not you feel that knowledge is the greatest power or fear it can become an inhibitor to making swift and crucial decisions, one thing can be said:

The big 'secret' that (mostly) the 'West' does not want you to know is that knowledge, despite it's many origins, behaves less like a thoroughbred and more like a stray.

Knowledge is no snob.

Knowledge does not necessarily gravitate towards those with a certain race, culture, power, title, or diploma; Rather--knowledge seems to go where it is welcomed with open arms and given a good, loving, home. It is like a stray looking for love: on it's own it has little purpose or self worth, but given the right master it will thrive.

Knowledge is also very generous.

For many years now I like to position myself in a scenario I dub: '"The dumbest guy in the room". I feel very comfortable in that role, but perhaps not for the obvious reason of being an underachiever (though sure--guilty as charged). While one can argue that lowering one's expectations guarantees satisfaction, but while this is true, I work hard to create these environments and you will soon see why--it has a lot to do with the generous nature of knowledge.

Knowledge loves.

Certain people who have made a good home for knowledge, will also find it very hard to keep locked up. That is because knowledge is generous and loving. Like a pet seeking to be loved only more, it will come up to you and look at you with it's big eyes, and beg for your attention. If you are a 'knowledge person' you would probably want to adopt it and provide it with a good home--and you can, because it is generous and very willing to be shared.

Knowledge must be a pup.

Seriously. This is the only way one can explain it's energy and growth rate. And going back to the "Dumbest guy in the room" this demands more as time goes by, and you've made a good home to more and more knowledge. Thanks to my minimal abilities, this has been very manageable for me, to be safe though I surround myself with the best and brightest, in case I suddenly discover intelligence.

You can give it a home, but knowledge can never be 'owned'.

Never say no to more, never assume you have enough, never take it for granted-- because despite of it's wonderful nature, it may turn around and bite you!

Coming soon: Love, and Loss...

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