Sunday, January 27, 2008

Down the rabbit hole

We are rarely caught without our armor; We work in it, we play in it, we drink coffee in it, and keep it on when we go to sleep. This armor we charge to protect us from our perceived dangers in this world. As we go through life we patch our armors where they seem insufficient, in order to prevent future wounds. The problem with armors is that they are very limiting. So much for spiritual agility.

Rarely in life do we meet people who cause us to want to take that armor and drop it into the nearest recycling bin. Restore a trust that has been all but completely forgotten. These people fascinate us and energize us; We are in awe of them at times, disappointed in others, but most of all they inspire us. They give us back the agility and strength that has worn-down over time and help suspend our fears. If we are very fortunate: we may have a similar effect on them.

How amazing it can be to follow them down the rabbit hole, never once considering how in the world we will get out again, but knowing we can team together to get through it all.

-Dedicated to the 'enablers' in my life-

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